Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wanna be Bar Stool Goes to Crossfit: Oh the Aches and Pains

On my latest venture to look more like a bar stool, I started Crossfit. Yep. I bit the bullet and went with Mtn Man, my love, to Crossfit last night. To say I hurt, well, that's a complete understatement. I now know what it feels like to carry giant water jugs connected to a pole on your shoulders like the women in foreign countries. I have the marks on my back to prove it. But I continue to remind myself that it's all a work in progress. As we approach the end of our fourth week of the new diet, I am still confident that we are on a great path.  And the picture above? Yeah, so true. I'm noticing small changes but no one else is and I'm cool with that. If I was doing this for anyone else, I'd never do it.  So here's to 8 more weeks of diligence to show the world I mean business. 

Crossfit was awful, but a good awful.   Having Mtn Man there to endure the workout with me was a huge help and of course, gave me someone to blame for all my pain today.   Lord help me tomorrow, because we are going back for more tonight.  But despite all of the moaning and groaning, I'm completely inspired by the transformation I see in my future.  I want to be a bad ass. I want to be a strong woman with crazy hot arms and stomach. I'll get there... just might take me a while.

Insert cheesy jokes here... but first man I've had that WANTED to workout together. 
He's a keeper.

I also made the decision to take a picture of myself at workout 1 of crossfit and then again when I've done 50 workouts.  And excuse me while I wait to post the first picture until I get to the end because that picture was NOT pretty.  It's motivation, but personal motivation not to be shared with the world just yet. Until then, I'm headed to California next week for a global sales meeting with work.  I am going to miss a full week of crossfit at the gym, but I'm going to test out hotel room crossfit workouts I've found online.  Hope my neighbors don't mind all the noise!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thin and now...

So what is it about us that makes us completely uncomfortable in our own skin?  What is it that drives us to feel not skinny enough when we are definitely not overweight and yet we feel the same way when we are overweight?  Why do we continue to beat ourselves up? It's all a harsh cycle that we seem to continue on without resolve.

Since starting the diet process again, I'm celebrating small victories like my shorts from last summer buttoning without cutting off circulation.  They don't look cute on me yet, but at least they button now.  I tried them on before our trip to the keys and they wouldn't button!  So yay me.  But still this morning I'm looking at old pictures of when I thought I was "fat".  This is me during my "trying to find myself again" phase while going through divorce.  My stomach full of ulcers and not able to keep much food down... but I still thought I was heavy. I WISH I had that body again..

Yeah, it's always that same mindset with me... not appreciating what I look like then looking back when I'm larger and thinking I was an idiot. I'm tired of being that idiot. So, as week 3 of the new diet slowly comes to a close, I am going to continue to celebrate the little things and remind myself that I only have control of today. Today will be a good day. I'll worry about tomorrow when I get there.