Monday, September 9, 2013

Always The Plush Chair in The Room

Lately, I'm feeling like the somewhat well upholstered, plush chair in the room - seemingly subtle, yet definitely noticed.  Work has caught up with me and so have the stress and my stress eating ways.  I'm feeling a little whiney today so just warning you now.  It's sort a of a pity party for one over here.

I tried doing protein bars and one healthy meal a day... yeah that was great until I gave up cocktails in the same sentence.  Work brought on the drinking. The idea of not having a cocktail to socialize with others was unheard of at market considering I am still learning the ins and outs of our corporate group.  I should have ordered soda and a lime to disguise my drinks but yeah.. I also needed the quick numbing of vodka to take off the stress of the day.  My shoulders are tensing thinking about it. No bueno.

So yeah work went off the charts, celebrated my one year anniversary with Mtn Man only to get into a heated convo about the future then later on in my drunken stooper see on the book of faces that my ex had gotten engaged. Damn you Facebook for showing when friends like someone's photos or comment on them.  Keep that shit locked down.  No one wants to really wants to know that much about what's going on in other peoples lives.  And this is why I hate Facebook.  It's not even that he got engaged it's more that it struck a nerve in me and for a split second I cared.  Someone pass the wine......

I've made my mind up to get back on the health wagon this week.  Protein for breakfast, salad for lunch and off to the gym with my sister this afternoon.  We'll see how long I last on this wagon this time.  I will forever envy the sticks in the room that barely try to be thin, but just "are". I will always have to fight this battle.  And at this point? I'm slowly starting to avoid social situations because I don't like what I look like.  This can't be good.